“I’m Personally Inviting
7 Advisors To My St. Louis Office & Showing Them How to DOUBLE Their Practices in the Next 12 Months…”
Dear Entrepreneurial Advisor,
If you’re sick of laying out cold hard cash for low quality leads or paying for marketing that just doesn’t work…
Then pay close attention.
Here’s why…
There’s a simple way you can get a constant stream of High Quality Prospects into your door and close them at a high rate.
Once you know how to do this, it will transform your business into the one you’ve always wanted. And it will earn the respect of your family, your community, and your peers.
Most struggling advisors try every marketing program that comes along.
But that rarely works.
The main problem is that most of these programs are designed by people who don’t actually sell for a living.
Mass-released marketing programs only work for a short amount of time, if they work at all.
Repeated marketing failures can leave you feeling confused, unsure of yourself, and worse off than before.
What happens if you keep going down this same path?
I think you already know. It ultimately grinds you down. What you thought would be a dream career turns into an unfulfilling job.
Do you want that? Of course not!
Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way.
Because I have a proven system that works.
If you qualify, I’ll teach it to you so that you can…
Copy & paste everything I do right into your own business!

Here’s my story:
My name is Scott Brooks.
Like you, I tried everything that came along. I built a business that worked… sort of.
I’m a good salesman and I'm persistent. I built up a decent practice, which I sold in 2006 to spend more time with my father when he was diagnosed with a terminal disease.
The good news was: It was a misdiagnosis! My father is still alive and kicking today.
The bad news was: I had sold my practice, and had a non-compete to boot!
So, what did I do for the next three years? I decided that when I got back in the game, I didn’t want to build an OK practice again.
I wanted to build a great practice! And I didn’t want it to be great because I worked more hours or because I closed more crappy leads than my peers.
No, I wanted my practice to be great on all fronts: marketing, prospecting, selling, closing, and maximizing both AUM and client satisfaction…
All while working fewer hours than all the other advisors out there.
So, I set out to build a system. I scoured the country. I learned from the best marketing and sales experts in the nation.
The result? I built an entire system – from the initial point of contact all the way through the sale and referral.
And get this, I am closing over 50% of my cold leads, and my office will gather well over $100 million dollars this year alone.
Now I know what you’re thinking…
“Okay, Scott, so you’re great at selling… but will this really work for me?”

Without any reservation, 100% YES.
In fact, I’ve taught my methods to hundreds of advisors. For many of them, it was the moment their lives changed forever.
Here are just three examples:
“I’ve been in sales for 40 years, but when I started with Scott I went from making low six figures to over half a million dollars a year, and now I’m in the American Equity President’s Club.”
–Mark K
“I’d tried everything to the point that my wife was urging me to quit and find a ‘real job.’ After visiting with Scott and learning his system, my life has been transformed. I made over $800K last year and just bought a new farm.”
–Jason H
“I’ll be honest, I simply didn’t do what Scott told me to do when I first met him. Finally, with my back up against the wall, I decided to just follow his system, and sold $3 million in annuities in my first six months… more than twice than I had ever done before in a year.”
–Ron M
Would your life be better if you got results similar to these guys? It would?
Okay, then… here’s my offer to you:
Once a month I run an open house in my St. Louis office.
Come on by and spend the day with me in my office. Meet my team and see how we do everything. That’s right – everything. I’ll show you how my office works, why we do the things we do, and how it can work for you.
Plus, you can attend an actual Retirement 101 Workshop... so you can see what all the fuss is about.
The cost to attend this open house? Just $499. That includes a full day at my St. Louis office during which you can document everything we do to generate tens of millions a year.
I’ll even pay for your lunch.
What’s the catch?
I only allow 7 qualified advisors to attend each Open House.
I have a simple application process for these events to make sure this is a good fit for both of us. I don’t want to waste your time, and I don’t want you wasting mine.
Once you’ve been approved to attend, you’ll need to pay the $499 to reserve your spot and make your travel arrangements.
And if you miss out on the 7 spots for the month, you will be put on a waiting list for the next time I do this.

Oh, and there’s ZERO risk if you decide you want one of the 7 spots because I’m offering…

A Double Your Money Back Guarantee!
In case there’s even a shadow of a doubt about the value of this experience, then let me put those doubts aside right here, right now…
If you spend the day with me at my office and you don’t think you got at least $499 of value…
Just let me know before you leave and I’ll give you DOUBLE your money back!
That’s right, I’ll hand you $1,000 just for taking your time and investing it with me.
How can I make a guarantee as good as this? Simple…
I’m confident in how valuable this experience is. And nobody has ever asked me for a refund because they’ve gotten so much value during their time.
So let me ask you one last question…
Do You Want an Average Business
or a GREAT One?
Now, it’s decision time:
Do you want to keep going down the same path you’ve been on?
Or do you want to get in front of a constant stream of High Quality Prospects and close them at a high rate — and transform your business like Mark, Jason, and Ron have??
Do you want to build the business you’ve always dreamed of and become the leader among your peers that you want to be?
I’ve done it, and I’ve trained countless others to do it as well.
This time next year your business could be TWICE as big as it is today.
Since you’ve gotten this far, I think you know the right decision for you…

After you click submit, one of my team members will reach out to you about next steps.

Scott Brooks
$100M Producer
P.S. Over the next 12 months, I believe many advisors will be washed out of the business. But a handful of advisors will thrive and make more money than they ever have before. Sign up for my next Open House and let me show you how to do that.

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